First Ever Private Wedding Showcase for Four Seasons HK
ESDlife was the exclusive wedding media and working partner for the private event. Attended couples had an ultimate experience of getting wedding fashion inspirations and Four Seasons’s exceptional services and luxurious venues with spectacular habour views, whilst enjoying the savory afternoon tea prepared by award winning chefs.
Reach the Right Audiences
Exclusively for ESDlife‘s brides-to-be members, 18 pairs engaged couples with matched profiles were specially chosen from ESDlife’s strong database for the event invitation, helping Four Seasons Hong Kong to identifying the right target audience to the exclusive wedding event.
- To identify the right engaged couples for Four Seasons Hong Kong’s private event
- Not easy to keep Four Season a top of mind wedding venue because of customer price perception
- With ESDlife’s strong database and powerful filtering backend system, target audience with the right profiles are selected with special requirement to meet client’s criteria
- With the comprehensive pre-event and post-event media supported by ESDlife, we successfully helped Four Seasons to maximize the brand exposure ride on the private event even to the weds-to-be not selected and created top of mind awareness to their various wedding package choices